
The Space Shuttle's Ascent: Pradhuman Chahar

  The Space Shuttle's Ascent  Hey readers, Pradhuman here today we will learn about Space shuttle path to orbit As the Space Shuttle powers its way through the atmosphere, propelled by its massive solid rocket boosters and main engines, the astronauts inside the orbiter transition from an exhilarating thundering journey to a serene, silent cruise. The moment the engines power down, they become weightless, and the light of the shining blue Earth below floods through the windows of the crew cabin. The journey to orbit has ended, but their mission has just begun. The Space Shuttle was not just a rocket - it was a mobile laboratory, a home in space, equipped with all the tools the astronauts needed to not just survive, but to complete complicated tasks in space. The orbiter provided a secure haven, sustaining a breathable atmosphere, facilitating precise maneuvers, and housing a payload bay capable of carrying massive spacecraft like the Hubble Space Telescope. The Reaction Control

Unlocking the Secrets of Rocket Science:Pradhuman Chahar

  Unlocking the Secrets of Rocket Science: An Explosive Journey to the Moon and Back by Pradhuman Chahar The Fundamental Principle Behind Every Rocket Hey there fellas Pradhuman here again I'm excited to take you on an explosive journey through the fascinating world of rocket science. Every rocket that has ever flown, whether it's a small firework rocket or a giant rocket carrying people to the moon, is based on one simple principle. Today, I'm going to demonstrate this fundamental principle and uncover the science that sends us into the vast expanse of space. Demonstrating the Power of Propulsion To begin, I'd like to showcase a beautiful reproduction of a Napoleonic cannon, which is a working model capable of firing a live round. Now, don't worry, we won't be firing a live round today. Instead, we'll be firing a blank round to illustrate the key principle behind rocket propulsion. The cannon is essentially a tube that is closed on one end and open on

Rocket Propulsion and Celestial Navigation(ISRO dev in RSAP): by PRADHUMAN

Rocket Propulsion and Celestial Navigation Hello Readers, Pradhuman here again, today we will discuss about ISRO's rides to space and understand their mechanics In the grand saga of human exploration, rockets stand as the epitome of technological prowess, transcending Earth's confines to unveil the mysteries of the cosmos. Delving into the intricate realm of advanced aerospace physics, we unravel the sublime ballet of forces and equations orchestrating the movement of these celestial chariots. The Dynamics of Space: Space, an ethereal canvas stretching to infinity, presents a complex tapestry of gravitational fields, electromagnetic radiation, and interstellar mediums. Mastering the intricacies of celestial mechanics demands a deep comprehension of Einstein's general relativity, which elucidates the curvature of spacetime and its interplay with celestial bodies. Furthermore, quantum field theory unveils the quantum vacuum fluctuations permeating even the void of space, sub

What are Space vehicles? by Pradhuman

  What are space vehicles? An Inside Look at the Space Shuttle Hello readers, Pradhuman Here In this blog, we will take a close look at the interior of the space shuttle, examining its crew compartment, payload bay, and rear engines.  Introduction The space shuttle was a spacecraft used by NASA for 30 years and completed 135 missions. Its last flight took place in 2011. The space shuttle consisted of three main components: the orbiter vehicle, the orange external tank, and the two white solid rocket boosters (SRBs). While the orbiter and SRBs were reusable, the external tank was not and had to be replaced for each mission. It's worth noting that many people refer to the entire assembly as the space shuttle, even though technically it is just a part of it. So, the terms orbiter vehicle and space shuttle are sometimes used interchangeably. A Typical Mission Let's take a look at a typical space shuttle mission. The shuttle would launch from the Kennedy Space Center in Florid


  INDIAN SPACE STATION:MARVEL OF ISRO Unlocking the Potential of Indian Vehicles Greetings, everyone! Pradhuman here Today, I am thrilled to discuss the exciting advancements in the design of Indian space vehicles. As you may know, India has taken up the ambitious task of setting up an Indian Space Station by 2035, and ISRO has the responsibility of landing humans on the moon by 2040. But before we delve into these endeavors, let's address the crucial question of where we currently stand. Evaluating our Technological Capabilities In terms of technology, do our vehicles have the capabilities to fulfill these missions? Do our launch vehicles possess the power and efficiency required? Have we achieved engine clustering? Can our development and cryo engines make significant leaps? These are the questions we will explore in today's Blog. Within the designs presented here, we have the GSLV Mk-2, which we used in a test vehicle demonstration. It is equipped with the L40 booster s

Quantam's String Theory: Learn with pradhuman

  String Theory: Graviton,bosons,Vibrations & compact Dimensions Unraveling the Mysteries of the Quantum Universe Welcome back Readers to Learn with Pradhuman! In today's exciting article, we are going to dive into the captivating realm of string theory. Get ready to explore a mind-bending concept that could potentially revolutionize our understanding of the universe. The Standard Model and Its Limitations Our universe, when examined closely, is composed of various particles, such as electrons, quarks, and neutrinos. These particles interact with each other by exchanging other particles, like photons, which mediate the electromagnetic force. This intricate web of particles and interactions is beautifully explained by the Standard Model, which provides us with a precise mathematical description of the quantum world. However, there is one crucial interaction that the Standard Model fails to account for: gravity. Described by general relativity, gravity is the force that gove

Learn BLACKHOLES with Pradhuman

What are QUASAR & BLACKHOLES Introduction Hello again Readers, Pradhuman here today we will learn about cool space  phenomenon of Quasar and Blackhole Foreign black holes are a fascinating and mysterious phenomenon in our universe. These dark centers of gravity have the power to swallow everything in their path, creating a point of no return into a twisted world of space and time. In this blog, we will explore the secrets of black holes and the incredible journey to the center of these monstrous entities. The Enigmatic Black Hole Imagine traveling to the very center of our galaxy, thousands of light years away, and finding a vantage point on the night sky. From there, you would witness millions of stars and, on the horizon, a strange dark sphere rising. This dark sphere is a black hole, a celestial object so dense that nothing, not even light, can escape its gravitational pull. These monstrous beings can be ten times the size of our sun, yet millions of times heavier. And they